Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Happy Tuesday!

I need wood pallets!! 

I wish I would have brought the ones we used in Bagdad-Darn it!!
I can't keep up with my mind right now...So much I want to accomplish! I can't wait to make this place green with a touch of color!

I absolutely love it when I get to feeling so enthusiastic! *not sure that the kids like it so much-They kinda get drug along the way!* (We have several shovels and rakes!)

I love that the weather is showing signs of spring. I love even more that the fruit trees that were planted in the front, are starting to show signs of life. They won't do much this year, but if I LOVE on them and even talk to them...They are going to thrive next year! *Yes! This type of stuff excites me!* 

On another note...

Nicci has a game today!! I can not wait to go and watch her!! She just amazes me...And she is so darn gorgeous! Nicci has had great success this year with her hitting, thus far, and she has been so proud of herself! That makes this momma happy..Go Tigers!!


I watched Bobcat and Jazzi practice for a little bit...

Bobcat is a stud without even knowing it...The coaches just stand there and watch him shaking their heads 'Yes!'. You know he is the new kid on the field, and he was put on a team that I guess takes the win every time. The coaches are very much into it-there were 3 coaches out there last night, and each one of them had a glove on being hands on. They are serious!! They also practice more than the other teams...I am not excited about that, but in the end...It will help the boys be consistent. We will get into the rhythm of it all.

Jazzi was so very nervous, because of course she doesn't know any of the girls-They all go to Benson School. Bobcat on the other hand...He doesn't know a stranger! He gets out there and just is himself...**Everyone calls him Bobcat now. At first nobody wanted to. That is a huge sign that Bobcat is fitting right in*.

Jazzi didn't want to go to practice. By force, she got ready to go. I didn't get to watch the beginning of her practice...I got to be there as they were batting.
Jazzi was the last one up to bat... They used a pitching machine...There is just something different in Jazzi compared to the rest *Yes! I can say that...I am her Mother!*
She got up there and she stood with confidence. They didn't have to show her how to stand or how to hold the bat...She cranked that Softball! I heard one of the girls in the outfield ask 'Who is that batting?'. *She had an AWESOME coach last year who taught her well-along with the natural ability and attitude that only Jazzi has (Yes! I can say that)*

After practice, Jazzi came running to the car with the biggest smile on her face! She was proud of herself, and when I asked her if she was glad she went to practice-She Grinned and said 'Yes'!

There is no greater feeling than seeing your children feel good about their accomplishments. 

There are 4 fields with a park right in the middle-Perfect for Little League season. I can attend practices and the kids have a place to play. No more rushing around-That will be nice. 
*Well! There will always be rushing around because we have 2 High School players-But I am still thankful for the convience of having the little guys all in one area!*

It is funny how life is up and down and all around. 

Never a dull moment. 

For the last few weeks I have really thought about whether or not I should go to work. There are so many things to consider before I would ever leave the home to work. 

Working, for some mom's, is an easy decision. For some, they have to. For some, they desire to. For some, it is just what they do.

For me-I have chosen to stay home. Work at home. Raise the kids...And no! I don't think that makes me special or better.

Would it be worth it? The extra money that I would bring in? 

My home would suffer. The kids would have to adjust-Both the younger and older ones. 
Even if I had the same schedule as my kids, I would have to keep in mind the trials that come with that as well. If there is a sick one, I would have to call into work...There is just some quirks.

It was nice having my mom home every day. Clean home, laundry always done, meals were always made, along with some other things...My mother is one of the hardest working mom's I have ever met. She mowed the yard, and she hauled wood...She did not sit around!! 

There is a difference. I really believe that Mom's should be at home...Maybe it is old fashioned of me, or because we have received the council to stay at home when it is possible. 

If I don't work...

I don't miss much. I get to be with my children when they are home. I get to have the home cleaned and laundry done *For the most part*. I am here...And the kids know it.

Money...is just Money. It doesn't create happiness...But like I mentioned before, it helps to have a little bit of the green stuff. 

But would it be worth it... Lots of praying and really digging deep to find out if that is what I want to do.

Michael has not ever asked me to go to work. Well, once during our whole 21 years of marriage...That lasted a crazy 3 months, before we both realized that it wasn't worth me being away from home.

So many times I have been told that because Champion is going to be in school this coming August, that I can go to work. Well...Even though that is the case, I am still not sure that is the right thing to do. 

I get asked, 'What are you going to do all day if you don't go to work?'... I promise you, I believe I will still be as busy as I am now...


Providing for the family! What does this mean?? 

I think there is so much more to providing for your family, than just bringing in money. 

I know many working mom's who are just awesome and amazing...But I can tell you, that most of them have told me how tired and frustrated they are because they can't keep their homes the way they would like...and...They talk about the things they will have to miss because they can't get off. 

Do I want to feel this way? Maybe I won't. Maybe a part time job would be a good idea. 

I would love to get a business going of my own, but of course you have to invest to become successful...Right now, that isn't possible! But...I have it in mind that everything, has to start out small...Little by little! We shall see.

I am not sure what I will do. I know that I will not just jump right onto the working Mother wagon. My children need their mom. I need to be a mom. I want a clean house, and I want my laundry done. I want to work in the yard, and keep the home maintained...It is what I do! *I am not pointing fingers*

Just so you all know...

My husband absolutely works his butt off. Stresses about being better, and helping those he works with. He has nothing but good intentions, and is willing to put his heart n soul into whatever is asked of him. 
I am so thankful for him. It hasn't been easy for him...he knows what he is doing, and he is good at what he does. All his efforts will some day pay off!  *I am so proud of him*. His worth will some day be seen...I know it!

So there you have it...

I am loving watching the kids and I am constantly thinking about how I can make a difference in our family and home. 

**Just so you know and understand...I place no judgment against working mothers. You do what is right and best for you and your situation...I just have an opinion...And it is just that...An Opinion. We all just want to do what is best for our children-Who knows, I may be working soon** 

Heres to a happy Tuesday... 

Smiling :O)

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