Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Happy Wednesday!

It is early morning, and I am wide awake...I should still be in bed sleeping...Nope! I am awake. 

As I have had a zillion things going on in this mind of mine-It seems my mind never shuts off.
*Sound familiar?* 

I was talking to Sass not to long ago, and I told her that I was already having babies at her age. I found out that I was going to have our first baby at 19...I lost that first little baby, but a little over a month later, I was pregnant again *I never listened to the doctors...I listened to my body, heart, mind and soul*. I had Sass at 20...And Justin was born when I was 21...And so on and so forth :O)

When I was writing Elder Pacheco a letter a day or two ago, I was saying something like 'I sure love you KID'...What? Justin is no longer a kid. He will be 19 next month...I now have 2 adult children. That is crazy. But what really struck my thoughts was, Michael and I were married at 18 and 19 years old! So I mentioned this to Michael, and it is crazy to think that our children are growing up...FAST!!

...Michael and I were so young. Both of us. We have pretty much raised each other. I can't help but smile and giggle inside when I think of the memories that Michael and I have together. The bond that started out as a friendship, grew into something much more. 

I can see us, as clear as day, walking through the hallway in High School. Sneaking around corners in between class's to get a quick kiss in...Speaking of Kiss's. I can remember the very first kiss as if it happened last night...It took the Adorable One FOREVER to kiss me...Took nearly 2 years folks!! It wasn't for the lack of me trying-Thats for sure.  I seriously will never forget how sweet Michael was-Never crossed boundaries...He waited for the right moment to kiss me...And it is the kiss I will never forget!
We would be brave, holding hands knowing that my dad could catch us at any given moment-My dad worked at the school...And it wouldn't have been pretty had he ever seen us holding hands...
The long walks at night, that would end with me RUNNING home, fearing for my life, because it was past my cerfew. 


We were young. We started everything pretty much together, at such a young age-For this day and age anyway. 

I do not, for one second, regret starting out so young. I don't wish we would have waited to get out of college. I am so glad we didn't wait until we had money to have kids...We would have never had any, had we done that! I didn't need to travel first. For me, I feel that every single piece to my story was put together at the most perfect time...

My story isn't over, of course, but I can say it's been such an experience trying to fit all the pieces together...I am so thankful for my puzzle.

I am also so thankful for technology! 

Technology is a bitter sweet blessing. There is great stuff out there...I am so thankful for the technology that we have today-For several reasons, but I will only share one of those reasons.

I was talking to my dad the other day, and we were talking about when my oldest brother was out on his mission. He was in Argentina. 
There was no email. No Skyping. Snail mail was really just that, "Snail" mail-
My dad told me that the mail was usually a good 3 to 4 weeks behind. They wouldn't get my brothers letters for weeks at a time! My dad mentioned that, after my brother returned home, they were still receiving his letters. 


I can't wait for Monday's to roll around, so that I can email our missionary! I am like a child on Christmas-Waiting for 8am to roll around so that I can open up a letter from our son. 

I am thankful for FaceBook-Sorta! Right now, my gratitude for a social sight like FaceBook is because, I can now get onto my news feed, and see more positive stuff because of who I have chosen to follow. AND...I am apart of our son's Mission FB page, that allows me to see my son through pictures. I am able to connect with people that get to see our son, or has a son/daughter in the same place. It has been so awesome being friends with J's first companion's mother! We are so forunate to have ways of communicating from a distance...I am grateful!

I have a couple more things that I am thankful for this morning-Well every day-But a little more so THIS day.

We got a little farel kitten from a friend who has several adorable little kittens running around, but they will scratch your eyes out if you get to close! ;O)
We live out in the boons, and so there are field mice everywhere...Or I should say, field 'Monsters' because these critters are huge! 

I wanted a couple of little kittens to go under the house to keep things under control, becasue the kittens that we already have, stick close to the porch. Our friend has been trying to get me to take a kitten or two for awhile now...I kept saying, 'No WAY!' I don't really think we need more cats...But I don't want MICE! So...I said give us one or two.

As our friend catches this one little wild kitten, and is holding her with gloves on...I don't think we had any idea what to do with her. It was at night, and I couldn't just let her roam-Although, I think she could have taken on a coyote with no problem...Fierce little thing!
So we just kept her under the basket that Sass put her under for the night...There really was no getting near that cat!

Long story short...The next morning, with gloves on, I got that little kitten inside to meet the other kittens. The other cats were nice, a bit stand offish, but they didn't attack! I pretty much left the kittens alone. But when the kids got home from school, they went right to this sweet little beast...and would you know it...Nicci got that kitten to lay in her arms. The kitten now has a name and she allows us to hold her. She still has her mean streak, but she sure figured out that we were going to love her no matter what...*Champ crawled into the cage and feared nothing...He laid there and slowly rubbed her back...No hissing!* (Have you noticed that my stories are never short...TeeHee!)

So what am I thankful for...? It isn't so much the crazy, eye gouging kitty-Although I love her already... 
I am so thankful for loving kids who look past the scary worst in others. They don't fear being different, being kind to those who are normally ignored because of their religion, race or habits. I am so thankful for the sweet tender souls they are. In a world with so much judgmental negativity, I am proud to say that my kids are not in the popular group of what would be considered popular *If that makes any sense!*

My children are not perfect, but they stand for what they believe in, even if it is not even close to what others believe. I adore my crazy kids...and appreciate their strengths. I want to beat them from time to time, but look up to each one of them. They are different and aren't afraid to show it.

I'm thankful for water-Seriously! We are spoiled. We have gone without water for days before...It is a blessing to have a cup of ice cold water to drink. Water to clean the house and wash clothes with. To shower...and to feel so clean and refreshed afterwards.

I'm so thankful for the smallest things-But also the big things...I am thankful for other people's talents and skills. 

We were given 3 amazing handmade quilts to help keep us warm...You can't buy a quilt that has such love and warmth put into them, that are now being used and shared by our family. We love them. There was effort put into these quilts. There is a difference.

I am so thankful that our home, and the crazyiness that is constantly going on in our home.
My trials. OUR trials. My lesson's. Our lesson's-in life. The things that strengthen us...Teach us. Things that tear us down for a short period of time, to help keep our faith in check. Getting us on our knees when we become complacent within our lives.

I am so thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ...I am so thankful for the power of prayer. I am so thankful for Priesthood blessings...I am so thankful for my life and for all that has been given to me. 

My world, my story, my puzzle...Ups and downs...and all around...I am so thankful for me-and all that completes me! *Especally my one and only, Adorable One*.

Now to prepare myself to focus on the positives throughoutn, yet, another day that I have been so blessed to live! 

Happy Wednesday! Hug a neighbor. Say hello to someone who could use a sweet 'Hello'. Smile to those who don't like you-Killing them with kindness. Focus on the good, and don't fret about the bad. Take it one minute at a time today. Don't rush it...You might miss something-a tender mercy perhaps, from our Father in Heaven that was meant just for you, today. 

Focus on the Good things...and count your blessings!! 

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