Thursday, November 29, 2012

Music...Music...Music! I love it! :O)

The Adorable One and I are still very young and still have so many things to experience. Even still...We look back and remember where we started. Nobody thought we would make it...Look at us now!
Remember when so many said we wouldn't make it... :O) Here we are, and look at what we have built! 

If there is anything that we have ever wanted for our children, is for them to be happy! May they all feel blessed to be who they are and be 'Happy' with every choice that they make and if not...May they learn from it and find happiness behind every trial and failure! I hope you Dance...And Remember who you are! Go for your dreams...

Music is AMAZING! It can bring out so many different emotions..I have loved MUSIC forever! I loved to dance and I loved to sing...I still do! Here are some songs that we LOVE to listen to...The Adorable One and I try hard to keep up with the times....

I could not find a good video for The Dance...The song is still amazing with great meaning!
This is one of Michael's favorite songs...Don't fret..The video is PG*

I happen to really enjoy this song. We sing it around the house! You can decide for yourself *I do not planning on going to a bar anytime soon...It is just a song!*

Gotta love it!
Another good one!
Oldie...But a goodie! Love Listening to the older songs with the kids...Makes me think about when we first started out...
Love this one

Good song...

This song has some serious meaning behind it! I remember dancing with the Adorable One to this song, and he sang it to me...Brings back memories...Not sure he knows how much I love to hear him sing...He has a good voice, but will never sing in public!
Great song...Love the meaning behind it, and I love hearing my children sing it!
I used to sing this with the windows down driving in Silver City....I still have this song on my running playlist!
Not a huge fan of Alicia keys, but this is a pretty good song. Sass played this song for us on our way to my parents house last week...Glad she did!

I could keep adding some songs...Music is amazing! Enjoy life! Sing and Dance every day!

Just some thoughts... :O)

So how much credit do we give our husbands?? What is the Husband's role in this whole Marriage/Parent ordeal?? If I were to go to work, who's responsibility is it to take on the house/yard work?? Should women work if they have children?? How does our relationship with our spouse effect our children??

I watched my siblings and parents close, before I got married. I saw the struggles and hard work that came with being married. I remember even watching T.V. shows, and taking notes of how I wanted my marriage to be. *One thing is for sure...I knew that marriage was HARD!! And that it was going to take effort...I also understood that by bringing children into the picture that it was going to be that much harder. I realized the importance of having a good relationship with my spouse at a young age. Never to take marriage for granted...Understanding that it is a commitment never to be taken lightly.

The biggest examples in my life...My parents.
I was raised with my mother home every day. She baked, she cooked-Healthy meals, She mowed the lawn, she would stack the wood, She did all of the household chores, the bills, and she was always up by the crack of dawn looking amazing...Every day! My dad was gone most all day, every day. Weekends were spent out in the woods cutting down trees, and working to bring in at least 2 cords of wood. This was done every season...Fall, winter, spring, and summer *Something that I miss terribly*
My dad would come home, and would sit down take his shoes off, and my mother would bring him his dinner. I remember how frustrated she would be when he would make a mess, or forget to take off his muddy shoes...I remember the saw dust that would get stuck in his pants, and she would make him undress before he could enter the home.
On Sunday's, My Dad and Mom would both get up early...My dad was usually reading his lesson or news paper. My Mother of course was just organized and always ready to go...Very rarely, were we late! But, BOTH my parents were there taking all of us to church. EVERY WEEK!
One of the things that I admire about my Mother, is she ALWAYS supported my dad.  She loves my dad...And he can make her so very angry...But, she is proud to be his wife and she always stood by him when times got tough. And to this day, even though he still frustrates her with his little messes, She has been there for him supporting him. 
A week or so ago, my Mother had surgery...I asked my dad if he wanted me to come down to help...His reply 'Your Mother has always taken care of me, It is now my turn to take care of her!'
Wow! They will be married 50 years in May!

So I will ask the questions again, and I will give my answer and my opinion...*Remember-It is just my opinion!*

So...How much credit do we give our Husbands? 
Not enough! The Adorable One does the best that he can to provide for our family. He tries very hard to make sure that work doesn't come before family. There are days when he comes home, that I am so crabby because my day was long, that I forget to even ask how his day was. Think about it like this...You spent all day cooking. You made his favorite dessert. When he comes home, sits down to eat...and than gets up without saying Thank you...How does that feel? How often do I say Thank you to the Adorable One for all of his hard work?? Not often enough! It should be every day. I appreciate everything that Michael has done and does for me, Every day! *By the way...He always tells me Thank you!*

What is the Husband's role in this whole Marriage/Parent ordeal?? 
I believe that it should be a good 50/50 kind of deal...But I can tell you this...I have never expected my Husband to come home from work, just for me to say...'I am glad your home! I am out of here for a few hours!' Nor, would I ask him to make dinner and bathe the kids, because I was to tired, or because I felt that it was his Duty as the Father. With that being said...I have never had to ask...The Adorable One will come home, and if there is laundry on the bed...He folds it. If I am busy cooking or doing who knows what and the kids need a bath, you bet...He gets it done. You really have to work together. And it should come natural. Michael wants to be as active as he can with the kids. His health doesn't always give him the energy to do so, but he sure tries. A family needs BOTH parents. Not just a dad that works, and a mom that stays home.

If I were to go to work, who's responsibility is it to take on the house/yard work??
If I had to go to work, you could probably bet that I would feel that as the wife and mother, I am the one responsible to have the house in order. That isn't to say, that I wouldn't be delegating. Children need to help! Children need to learn how to work-Period!! Children need to be able to fend for themselves *Even if I never go to work, My kids still need to learn!* If I went to work, I have no doubt in my mind that The Adorable One would do his part...He already does! There is a lot on my plate...I couldn't imagine trying to do it all by myself. So to answer the question, it is both parents and the children's responsibility to make sure that the house functions and everything gets done.

Should women work if they have children??
If the husband has a job, and can provide the necessities...No.
Kids need their mom. This is a touchy subject. Many say this is old fashioned and that it is wrong to say that woman should stay home to raise kids.  We couldn't afford for me to go to work...It would cost to much in Day Care. I am just very Thankful that I have a choice in this matter. The Adorable One doesn't ask for much...He wants me to be happy. So the best thing is, we both agree that home is where I need to work. When the kids are all in school, things may change. But, I remember how much I loved having my mother home when I got out of school-Even in High School! It just is important and I have faith that it is the right thing to do.

How does our relationship with our spouse effect our children??
My goodness! The relationship we have with our spouse is so important. I know that when the Adorable One and I argue, it makes the kids sad and some times mad. Look at it like this-How do we feel when our children fight? It breaks my heart! I get so sad and sometimes so angry that I just want to run away. Our kids don't fight often, but when they do...It is miserable! I believe the kids feel the same way about us parents not getting along. Me and Michael get along really good. We have our out burst, but not very often. We work together with the discipline, and we support one another. It isn't always easy, and we are far from the perfect couple, but I couldn't imagine doing this with anyone else.
We are the biggest examples in our children's lives...We should always strive to be better every day! I know that I am thankful for each new day that I can try to be a better mother!

Just a little bit of Religion...And I am sure it doesn't matter what religion you are, you would agree with the following:

'The Family' 'A Proclamation to The World'
By the First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

"Husband and Wife have a solemn responsibility to love and care for each other and for their children. 'Children are an heritage of the Lord(Psalms127:3) Parents have a sacred duty to rear their children in love and righteousness, to provide for their physical and spiritual needs, to teach them to love and serve one another, to observe the commandments of God and to be law-abiding citizens wherever they live. Husband and wives-Mothers and Fathers-Will be held accountable before God for the discharge of these obligations.
Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ. Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities. By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners."

Love your spouses. Thank your Husbands/Wives for all the work that they do. Be patient, and kind. Give them hugs and kisses and never ever forget to tell 'I LOVE YOU' every day!

*To the Adorable One...
You are my security blanket. I look to you for comfort. I appreciate you in so many ways. Thank you for asking me to marry you...I have never regretted saying 'Yes'. We have an amazing family, and we wouldn't have any of this without you! You are my Best Friend...I Love you dearly!
Now keep bringing home the bacon!

Lets all just Slow down a little bit!

I wouldn't mind just gathering up the kids and the Adorable One, and take off for just a month. No cell phones...No emails...No School...No sports...No Church...Just us and each other.
Some how, Some where...We have made this life to be so much harder than what it should be. We have to rush. We have to participate. We have to work so hard in school, as a Kindergartener, your stressed out. Now a days, between work, school, and church...You are kept from doing the most important stuff.  We are so busy, and I enjoy busy...But I don't enjoy the 'Demand' that is given to meet certain standards.
Our Husbands, or wives...have to work so much just to keep up. We have raised our children to believe that we have to have all this material stuff, that the kids end up suffering. They come home to an empty house, and usually end up by themselves until the evening. But, at least they have their 'Toys'. Maybe I am wrong...Maybe I am just tired and need a vacation. Maybe I need to go to work...*For finacial reasons-Nah! It wouldn't be worth it. I need to raise my children! So I guess we will just be one of the few families that doesn't have a bunch of 'Things'!*
I don't understand...I don't get it! I don't see why we have to keep ourselves so busy, that we are so worn out...and can't enjoy the whole purpose as to why we are here!
I love sports! I love watching my children play and succeed and even fail...Makes em stronger! But even now...I have to admit...I am fine with the kids choosing 2 sports and taking a season off to just do what they would like or to work hard to be ready for the next sport. I have enjoyed not having to worry about Justin going to basketball practice, and trying to do the workouts that he wants...Or sass being so tired from trying to play ball, work out, condition, throw 100 pitches, and study every day. I enjoy that the little kids are home after school, and we are able to function normally for a little bit. Give me Football, Softball and Baseball season. I am Thankful we don't have singing and dancing and gymnastics and karate and ALL the extra stuff...It is just to overwhelming...I have done it.
I don't get why everyone has to be put their kids into every thing...For one, usually it costs so much that both parents have to work...or there is a lot of stress. Two, everyone is so busy driving and rushing just to make it on time...We miss out on practices because we have to hurry up and go pick up sister...or Brother from Karate.
Don't misunderstand what I am trying to say...Again...I LOVE watching My Children play sports. I love to see them participate in programs at school. I like to be busy. We used to live in an area where all sorts of extra activities were available. I remember having our 2 oldest in Little League and Karate at the same time. What a mess....we had 4 kids, and I remember rushing around taking the baby car seat in and out...Always rushing!
Maybe...I am old fashioned. I would give anything to live out in the boons on a ranch...Teaching my kids how to work and to work together...
Every family does what they feel is right for their families. What I say is right doesn't mean that anyone else agrees. That is one of the best things about having the freedom of choice.
I am sure, people don't agree with how I do things with my family...and that is ok. I just woke up today...after not getting much sleep, thinking...I don't want to wake the kids up. Everyone was so tired, and I just wanted us all to REST and stay home and be Lazy...Together!!
Take me away to an island or shoot...Give me a cabin in the woods...Just give me time with just my family with no interference...Just for a little while! Especially right now...While I have ALL of my Children home. I am not ready for our next phase...Well, I am*I think*! But, what I wouldn't give for the kids to all stick around...Live in the same town...Be near, so that I can hug them each and every day!
I am a homebody! I love my kids...I would not want to be anywhere else, but home...So glad that I CHOOSE to do just that! And trust me...I don't sit around and eat Bon Bons all day!

Yawning and Smiling and Getting ready to take on yet another busy day... :O)

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Month of Thanks-Just to sum it all up...

As November comes to an end, I look back at my 'Month of Thanks'. I have fallen behind just to get caught up...Just to fall behind again. It isn't because of the lack of 'Thanks', but rather due to finding the time to really sit and post.
The last 2 weeks had so many up's and down's that I had to make sure that my feet were grounded so that I wouldn't be completely knocked down nor would I be lifted off the ground and forget to be humble. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason...Just have to be open minded and patient.
I will try to sum up the missed 'Month of Thanks' in this post...I hope to not get to carried away :O)

There are so many things to be Thankful for. Where do I even start...Thankful for an amazing family that I married into. Thankful for my Father in Law who is alive and well today. Thankful for a visit that my Mother in Law gave us just a few days ago. Thankful for brother and sister in laws that put up with me, sometimes even with a smile!
Thankful for the heater that I am able to turn off and on, because the weather can't decide if it wants to be cold or warm. Thankful that 'Christmas' is on its way, and so many are talking about spending it with family and celebrating it the Traditional way.
I am Thankful for parents that have the patience to have all 11 of us stay in their home from time to time. Thankful for siblings that love their families-Speaking of Siblings...I really do Love each one of mine. We are all so very different, yet so much alike. We don't always agree, but when it comes right down to it...We sure Love each other. I will always be here for each of them...I am Thankful for ALL of my Nieces and Nephews...
I am Thankful for the sweetest little voices that are in my home. Our little Champ that says 'Poo Poo in the Toilet' in the sweetest little voice...Who can count and is so very smart. Tator Tot who says the silliest things. Thankful for Chase who does things to help me out without me even having to ask...He just may be the one to take me in when I get to old to be by myself. Thankful for Jazzi who 'Saved' my life the other day, and who has the prissiest attitude with the cutest little dimples :O) Thankful for Bobcat who hugs me in front of all of his friends, because he isn't embarrassed. Thankful for Jessi who HAS to give me a hug 5 times before I leave to go get the mail. Thankful For Nicci who has tried very hard to never be disrespectful...I appreciate that very much. Thankful for Justin and his smile...He sure can brighten my day with just his smile. Thankful for Sass...Just thinking about her puts me into tears! She is the oldest...She is the leader of the pack...She is unique and is amazing... I am so Thankful for my children...They are healthy! They are Happy! They are silly and act their age...I am so very grateful for the opportunity that I have been given to raise them...I pray that I do not mess them up to bad! I know, that they know that I Love them...But I hope they know...How much I LOVE them!*If you understand what I am saying*
I am Thankful for the Adorable One...Not sure he knows how much I just adore him :O) !
'Choose thy Love, Love thy Choice!' I love my choice.
I have a home, clothes, food to eat, vehicles that get me from here to there, I am 'Spoiled'! I live in a free country.
I am in good health. I can see. I can hear...I can play the piano. I can carry a tune. I can work. I am Blessed with the opportunity to stay home and raise my children. I get to enjoy Hot Chocolate. I am able to eat what I like. I receive 100 hugs a day if not more. I am blessed I am loved and appreciated by those who matter.
I am Thankful for the leaves that are falling off of the trees. I am Thankful for the air that I breath. The warm shower I get to take twice a day if I choose. For all the smallest pleasures that I get to enjoy every day.  The Toothbrush and Toothpaste-Even the Floss. The comb and brush. The fingernail polish that brings huge smiles to my daughters faces. All of the amazing little things...Butter for toast. Salt for the eggs. My senses...Hearing seeing smelling feeling and tasting..*I know I already mentioned a couple of those-Dont take those for granted...They can be lost very quickly*.
I have faith in God and know that he Loves me. He knows what I need, and he hears my prayers. I Love Jesus Christ and am very Thankful for his example to me. He is my brother, and Savior...I am Thankful for the Atonement...
I am Thankful for being Me, I am Blessed!
*And I thank my Heavenly Father every day for all that he has given me...*

The weather is amazing today... Smiling :O)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Month of Thanks #18 and 19 :O)

You would think that when a family lives in the same town, they would see one another all the time. Kids would go to school together, be on the same sports teams, and there would be frequent get together's.  Husbands would see each other at work, and of course the family would attend church and visit with one another while there.
We are fortunate enough to have the Adorable One's family *half of it anyway* live here in Bagdad with us. We have his Dad, his brother and his family. The brothers work for the same company, but in completely different areas. The Dad also works for the same company, and in the same department as the Adorable One, but they don't see each other very often. The kids from the 2 families attended the same school for the last 3 years, but that changed when we brought our kids back to Bagdad School. Normally, the girls from both families, would play on the same softball team...But, this last year they were not put on the same teams, so we were all going in different directions most of the time. We do go to church together, but rarely do we visit with one another...When church is over, everyone is pretty much getting in their cars to rush home to eat :O)
It can be a little bit depressing to think that we have family just up the road, and we never seem to have enough time to really get together often. But, when we do get together...It is quite loud and crazy. Both of us have big families...The Brothers family have 7 children. Their older 2 are busy, with 1 serving a mission, and 1 attending College...They are in a different phase of life, yet they still have 5 at home, so they still are rolling in the same phase as we are. They have quite the bunch themselves, and when we get together...that makes 14 kiddos running around *well, Sass doesn't run around, but the 2 older boy cousins...They still run around!*
Last night...We were very SPOILED! The Brother and his family made Home made pizza and Wings and delivered them to our home. We had vegies galore as well. The Brother came over, and dropped off a few pizza's, the vegies, and some wings...Along with the kids, while his wife slaved away at their home, making more pizza's and Wings. The Brother made 3 trips, and by the time him and his wife were able to quit cooking and come to join us, all of us had already eaten. I can not express how AWESOME that was, to be able to have them over. That made our week...The food was so Yummy! The kids had a blast! The parents got to visit! It was very nice. And Boy! Do we appreciate all the effort that was put into the dinner. It will be our turn next time!!
We should always try to make time for family...It is very hard to do. We are all so different, and we are all so busy in our daily duties, that by the time the weekend comes...I think most of us want to just veg out at home *or maybe that is just me!*

My Month of Thanks #18-I am so Thankful that we have family that is near by. In our very busy lives, it is nice to be able to take a day/night, to spend with family that just lives up the road. I know that I really enjoy watching The Adorable One play with his Nieces and laugh with his brother.
*I married such a special human being-He loves his family!!

Month of Thanks #19-

Imagine only having a broom...
You know! It may seem so very spoiled of me, but I am so very Thankful for my carpet, and Vacuum Cleaner!
I could not imagine how it must of been to have bare floors, with no carpet...Or some times floors that were just dirt. Although, that is how it seems in our house some times...Having to search under the dirt to find the carpet again. 

I do really appreciate our carpet. It isn't the most lush, but it sure beats walking around on a cold hard floor.
I have had many brands of vacuum cleaners. Rainbow, Hoover, Dirt Devil, Sharp, Bissel, Kirby, and I have used Electrolux. I own an Electrolux shampooer, and I love it. It works so good, and sure helped me to keep our old 'Cream' colored carpet clean. Electrolux is a great brand.
My favorite, and the best ones *so I say* are:
1. Dyson-Great machine!
2. Electrolux-This vacuum *whether you use the upright or Canister is a great vacuum-I just don't like to have to worry about the bags.
3. Rainbow-The hard part with the Rainbow, I couldn't just whip it out to use it if I was in a hurry...But it sure made the house smell good and it cleaned really good!

I appreciate my Dyson...It works all most as hard as my washer n Dryer.
The simple things that make our lives so much easier...There are so many... But the Vacuum, is for sure one of my top favorites!

The Whirlwind vacuum cleaner.  It was invented by a Chicago native named Ives McAffey in 1869.  His machine was cleverly designed and had most of the components of a modern day upright vacuum cleaner, except for a motor.  Suction was created by a fan driven by a belt connected to a hand crank at the top of the cleaner.  Unfortunately, his company did not do very well.  It is believed that McAffey did add an electric motor to his machine some time later, with no success.  Perhaps his invention paved the way for later companies to flourish in the early 1900's.ion

I bet it was exciting to get one of these 'Vacuums'...It does remind me of a lawn mower :O) But it sure beats the 'Broom'
I have had 3 of these vacuums. They do their job, and they survive my kids. We have one that has a hole in the hose*from the kids* and it still has suction. Love the Dyson!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Month of Thanks #15, 16, and 17...I know, I know!

When we first got married in May of 94', the Adorable One and I, we lived in Round Valley Az. We liked it there, and it was good for us to be there being so newly married and so young. We had both our parents around at the time. Michael actually worked with his dad at the Saw Mill.
The first job that Michael had was working at the Saw Mill in Eagar Arizona, making big bucks...$8.11 an hour. But, shortly after we were married, the Mill had a temporary shut down. They gave all the workers a good heads up, so that everyone could look for work elsewhere. We had a friend who owns a Hunters Guiding outfit, so he offered the Adorable One a job. Michael, worked as a Cook for Hunters and their Guides...cant remember how much he made there-it was cash and seemed really good at that time. That job didn't last to long-Michael burned down the HUGE tent that was used for cooking and eating...YIKES! I think it was a blessing-I was not sad he lost that job. He was gone for weeks at a time, with no way of communication...I didn't like it one bit.
We were fortunate that the Mill had started up again, for a short period of time. But, after a few months, the mill had shut down permanently. Without delay, the Adorable One was out looking for work.
He found Circle K, making a whopping $5.25 an hour. We lived in a little O' trailer at that time...*We moved a total of 8 times within the first year of our marriage*. While The Adorable One worked at Circle K, he worked graveyards. My favorite thing about him working there, was he would bring me Hot Chocolate and powdered donuts Every Morning...He would wake me up, and we would visit for a little bit until he fell asleep...I also held a job. I worked at a Movie rental place...Didn't make a bunch of money, but it helped a little.
Finally, after a few months of working at Circle K, a Town site job came open, and Michael was hired on with the Town of Eagar. We jumped up to a Whopping $6.50 an hour...But it did have
benefits. I remember he worked hard, and was pretty happy there. We couldn't complain...We had
food, and we were able to pay the bills. And with a baby on the way, we took whatever we could get.
We had Sass August of 95', While living in one of my favorite places that we had ever lived in. It was a cabin, with 2 rooms,1 bathroom, a small laundry room, and a very small kitchen and living room. Our Room was a loft type of room, it was awesome-It felt like home. Living there was awesome, but we needed to move out. We moved in with my In Laws for a bit. And then we were so blessed to finally get our own home, with a Mortgage Payment of $365.00 a month. Soon after moving into our house, I found out that I was expecting #2. We had Justin in December of 96'. Well, after a couple years of working with the Town, his buddies that had moved to Silver City NM, convinced Michael to apply for a job with Phelps Dodge. Sure enough, he didn't hesitate, and went for the interview. His buddies all worked as Haul Truck Drivers, but Michael was interviewed for the SX plant, and was hired on right away...He started May of 97'. We jumped to $15.10 an hour, with benefits, with bonuses *if and when the Copper price was high*, And we finally had a little bit of stability. The
Adorable One would drive back and forth, until we could afford to move to New Mexico with him. It
was a gorgeous 2 1/2 hour drive...That was a pretty tough though. I had 2 little ones, and even though it wasn't for a very long time, it was sure hard to be without my partner in crime. We finally were able to rent a trailer home and Move to New Mexico around Septemberish Octoberish of 97'. We lived quite a ways from the actual mine, in Santa Clara. I Loved it! There were many things I loved about being in NM.
Well, all the buddies had moved back to Round Valley, but we stayed in Silver. We bought a home in Silver. It was a fixer upper, but it was a place that we made our Home. It had a big front and fenced in back yard. It had an old shed in the back. It had huge trees in the front and back. It had 4 bedrooms, 2 big bathrooms. A big kitchen *with the Old Oven in the wall-Loved that!*. It had a pretty big Living room, with a down stairs Basement...Michael used it as his 'Shop/Man Cave'. It was just right. Just after moving in, we found out that we were expecting #3. Nicci, was born in May of 99'.
We night fished every week. We would go camping at Bill Evans often. Turkey Creek was a long drive, but we loved going to the River. In fact, that is how Sass and Justin learned how to swim. We Threw them in the water, and told them to swim *Not in the way that it sounds*. At a young age, those 2 kids would float on floaties, down the river, and we would just watch them...I am a much weaker mother now, and would not be able to do that :O) We were happy, but did have finacial woes-It wasn't cheap living there. Boy! Making the Mortgage became difficult.
Around 2000 2001, Tyrone Mine was threatening shut downs, over and over. We were very nervous that we may be layed off. In Aug. of 2001, we had our Jessi.
December 2002, We came across a Moving package that the company was giving out. They were trying to get people over to Bagdad Az.
I prayed hard about this change...Feeling scared! We owned our home , and we had just put in all new carpet and tile. The kids had an amazing school, with awesome teachers. The answer came, along with a complete feeling of peace. We were going to be moving, and it was the right thing to do.
The Adorable One interviewed and we were offered the job. We took a pay cut *Michael had moved up the ladder there at Tyrone. He worked very hard and was very respected by his co workers there. It was a very good experience that the Adorable One needed that has helped him to reach his goals*.
So we moved our family, the 6 of us, December of 2002, to Bagdad AZ. Into a 3 bedroom home, with a tiny kitchen, a very small dining/Living room. It was next to the Golf Course, so the surrounding area was gorgeous. We moved just within a few months of living there, into a 4 bedroom home just two houses down the street...We were expecting #5, so they moved us.
We Have loved Bagdad ever since we came for the interview. Michael worked his way back up that ladder, and we are on salary pay. He has worked so very hard to be the Boss that he is today. The Adorable One has worked and learned without going to college. Without having that degree...He knows more about the process of copper than any educated man *So I say!* He has worked and provided for this family. I have had the blessing of being able to stay home to raise the kids. I have been taken care of! I am so Thankful for that!
We now have a bigger family, and we struggle. Just to note-When the Adorable One asked me to marry him, he looked me in the eye and said... 'We will Never have a lot of Money! But we will always have each other!' Who cared...WE had LOVE! That's all that mattered. But I do know that it takes more than just Love.*We were 18 and 19* I wouldn't have changed a thing.
We now live in a home that is on the hill looking over the town of Bagdad. We have been very Blessed to live here.

My Month of Thanks #15-I am so very Thankful for a hard working Husband who never went a day without working and trying to keep this family afloat. There really are not any words to express the gratitude that I feel for my Husband.
And for our struggles and trials that we have overcome, and are still overcoming. In the 19 years of marriage *nearly 20*, we have had one thing after another happen. Most couples would have called it quits. Even still, There has been so many AMAZING positive things that have happened as well...We have some awesome memories, and we are now starting to sit back and say...WE have been through a lot, and we have done well *So WE Say!* . With EACH trial there has been growth.
Our trials may seem small compared to what trials some other families have. Everyone has their own lessons to learn in life...And who is to say what trials we may still have to endure. We are still very early in the 'Game'.  We take one day at a time...Counting our Blessings.
I do look back, and I really do not know how we made it. Together, just might be the only answer. We just keep pushing forward...
Thankful for every experience and memory.

*Here's to many more...
What a perfect choice we made!

Month of Thanks #16-

I am very Thankful for My parents. I have learned that Growing older isn't just hard because of the Physical aging, it is also the emotional part of watching all of our Loved One's Growing older. I am so Thankful for how I was raised-I was not raised to be lazy. And I was raised to be kind and to serve others. I can't get into to much detail...There needs to be a Blog dedicated to how I was raised, giving credit and praise to my parents.
Both my parents have health issues. My Mother had surgery on this #16th day. It was a simple surgery, but the thought of the BackBone to our family having to suffer in any way, is heart breaking.
I am very Thankful for both my Mother and Father. I sure Love them more today, than I did way back when when I did not understand the reasons behind their 'Madness'.
Two of the most amazing people and influences in my life!

Month of Thanks #17-

Today, I am Thankful for Bacon...Yes! May sound silly, but I can eat a whole pound all by myself. Bacon is so expensive, so it is a serious 'TREAT'. We eat it as fast as it cooks. Bacon is something that every single one of us 'LOVES'.  We could eat Turkey Bacon, it is cheaper...But it isn't the same. We could live without Bacon..And really, we do not get it very often unless my Dad brings us a 30lb box of it from one of his favorite store over in the Valley. I am thankful of one of life's simple pleasures....BACON!!

Once again...Till tomorrow...I am all caught up! :O)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Month of Thanks #9-#14 *I have been very busy :O)*

Boy! I have really fallen behind on my Month of Thanks!
I am not sure what has kept me so busy...O'! Maybe it is because, I have a house full of RugRats...The loads of Laundry...The trips into Prescott...The 4 day weekend *That was so VERY nice...I did not want to send my kids back to school-Hubby was home as well...It was so NICE!*
I just have been so busy with the regular duties in life, that the Blog has had to wait. I have to admit though, the Blog was on my mind. I kept thinking how I needed to sit down and get caught up. I guess, I have grown to enjoy the thought of being able to type away...and not worry to much about who reads it, and what they think of it. Most of the time, my fingers can't keep up with my thoughts...If I had no distractions, I could go on and on and on about stuff...Maybe when the kids are grown and gone, I will be able to do that.
So on with the Month of Thanks...

Month of Thanks #9-I am Thankful for that EVERYONE is so Thankful!
I woke up and got onto FaceBook and was so excited to read so many posts of being Thankful! The best part, is...We were all on the same page. There were more than one post about, the very simple things. The things that are forgotten about. The changing colors of leaves. The Hummingbirds beautiful wings that flutter so fast, but shimmer from the sun while sitting and drinking from the feeders. The crisp clean air that has filled our mornings. The warmth of that very first fire built...The smell of that first fire.  The beautiful sunrise, that we are able to enjoy with our sight. The sounds of early morning and the calmness at night *sounds of the day with the hustle and bustle...But always, there is that calm quiet that settles in at sunset*. Running water-Running HOT water to fill a bath to bathe a dirty a little child that has played all day. Beds with pillows and blankets. A toaster. A stove whether it be gas or electric. Refrigerators, that help to keep our food fresh and our drinks cold. One post mentioned how amazing and thankful they were of Smiling faces and laughter *To me, that made me think of my children...I am ever so thankful of their little giggles-Very Thankful they get along as well as they do*. How about, the smell of cookies and homemade bread that not only fills up the home with an amazing sense of warmth and a spirit of peace, but can give a snack to a little boy or girl, and in return...You receive a smile and a hug with a sweetness that only a child can give. Some posted about a new found Love in their life. One young lady, that has just been married and was still feeling that honeymoon blissful feeling, being Thankful for her better half. Posts, about expecting and feeling so thankful for the opportunity and blessing of being able to have a baby *Grandma's and Grandpa's being Thankful for the announcement of a new grandchild!*.
I could keep going, but I am sure you might have had the same experience. I feel blessed to know that there really are some out there, that are STILL very Thankful for the smaller and simpler things in life.

Month of Thanks #10-I am Thankful for my SOCKS!
These are not my socks, but I would LOVE to have a pair of these*They sure look warm!
My toes were going to fall off, I am just sure of it...Until I was able to open my drawer, and pull out a pair of very think long black socks. I am lost without socks. Even when it isn't freezing cold outside, I wear socks with my sandals *Yes! I am one of those weird looking lady with crazy colored socks on while wearing sandals in 103' heat!* I love the comfort that my socks give me....

Month of Thanks #11-I am Thankful for the Men and Women that serve our country. It is because of them that for many years we have been able to live freely, because of those who so selflessly served and fought for our country. I am Thankful for all the freedoms that I have...Freedom to of Religion-Freedom of Speech-Freedom to live or travel anywhere in our nation-Freedom to work at any job for which I can qualify-Freedom to marry and raise a family-Freedom to receive a free education in good public schools-Freedom to cut my hair, and shave my legs!! -Freedom to dress how I choose. Freedom to Drink Hot Chocolate any time I want...and much more :O)
I want to add...I am very Thankful for the families that have sacrificed just as much as the soldiers have. So many lives have been lost, and so many wives, husbands, Mother's and Father's, grandma's and Grandpa's, and hardest of all...Children have lost their parent....Spouse, sons/daughters, and grandchildren. I can only imagine how hard it must be. I have family that has someone in their lives, that serve this country. We are forever grateful for everything that has been sacrificed...For our RIGHTS to live how we choose. Thank You!

Month of Thanks #12-I am Thankful for learning little by little, on how to be self reliant.
We have been without a microwave for weeks now. We have learned how to boil water for Hot Chocolate. Warm up Tortilla's on a skillet. How to make Ramon in a pot. How to PoP Popcorn with a pan and lid...*This tastes so much better than microwave popcorn, and even the popcorn poppers popcorn!* We have done just fine without Microwave. We will probably still buy one eventually, just cause they are great for the days we are in a hurry, but for right now...We are doing just fine-Still alive! We also have grown to love homemade tortilla's. Money is tight. My mother always told me that we should always have the bare essentials-Water, Flour, Sugar, and Eggs. Now, of course we need the Shortening, and salt...But those are not very expensive, and last a very long time. I have learned to make things from scratch and without a mixer. Both my hand mixer and Kitchen Aid have been broken*well..The kids have lost my beaters-I know I could replace those, but the motors on both of them were getting worn out-Everything is doubled if not tripled in this home!* So everything has been whipped up by hand. I should Mr. Clean arms by the time I get a new up right mixer. I don't really mind-Women did everything by hand back in the day...So it doesn't hurt me one little bit.
Well, like I mentioned, Money is tight. We were out of dish soap, and we had some change, but Sass said...'Mom! Lets make our own!'. So I looked it up on Pintrest*Love Pintrest* and we did find a recipe for Dish Soap, and we had everything you need. It did call for Washer Soap-We did not have that, but found out from Google how to make our own...Baking Soda-Who knew?! I was very proud of Sass...She grated up the bar soap, and stood over the stove for quite some time waiting for it all to melt. She put it all together, and we put it in a Milk Jug. It isn't your typical sudsy Dish Soap, but it did get the job done until I was able to get some soap yesterday. Sass told me, 'I want to know how to do things' 'I need to learn!' and I am proud of her for being so frugal. She is VERY aware of how hard it all can be when it comes to money. I have also made my own laundry soap-It worked good enough until I was able to get the real stuff...We really need to experiment with different recipes on how to make these kinds of soaps. It can be done, and it is very nice to have stuff on hand if ever needed. We will be doing more of this. Also, We don't have a sewing machine*I know...I have 9 kids and no sewing machine!* Our amazing daughter Nicci, loves to sew. She is pretty good at it. So, it has gotten chilly around here, so she sat down, took our unmatched socks, and started to make hand warmers. Well, of course Chase-Our wants to learn EVERYTHING child-Sat down with her, and she taught him how to sew these little hand warmers. Simple, rice, needle and thread, and old socks, can become something so handy. They made one for everyone in the family! So excited for 2 things here-1. Nicci enjoys sewing, and 2. Nicci had the patience to teacher her 5 year old brother something that he can use the rest of his life...We don't have the convenience of a Microwave to heat the hand warmers up, we are still trying to figure that one out.
I am thankful for not feeling like I have to have the best of everything to survive in this very SPOILED world*Not that I don't miss the things that make life that much easier*. We are learning...And I am thinking that if we do not teach our kids to want they will not feel the need to have.
Chase and Nicci Sewing some Hand Warmers!
He may not be able to match his clothes just yet, but he sure does know how to do a bunch of other things.
Sass and her Dish Soap! So proud of this kid...She may survive College life.

Month of Thanks #13-I am so Thankful for 2 legs that can get me from here to there.
I really enjoy jogging and walking. I feel amazing after just 1 mile and extremely energized after 4 *Please note...I am not a marathon runner-I enjoy the simple jog with the every now a then sprints*.
Last week, I starting working with Sass out on the Track. We were doing the workout that her boyfriend had made for her *He is a College Football player...What am I thinking!*. I had just ran over 2 miles, so I was warmed up...So I thought. The work out was 24 100's. Not all out, but about a good 65Percent. Well, I pulled my hamstring in my right leg! I was tough...Kept running, wasn't about to quit-That would make me look OLD! We worked out again a day or so later, not to bad. But, as I went running yesterday *#13 day*, Boy! It was a bit painful. I have taken for granted the ability to stretch out really good....I don't normal stretch, I just start out slow to get things moving. And when I say never I really do mean NEVER! Well, I should have last week.
My point behind sharing this...There are many who do not have 2 legs or any legs for that. So many have fell ill and have lost their mobility in more than just their legs. Many have fought in wars and have lost their limbs. I have been very blessed with 2 legs that have carried me, and have allowed me to run at will. I will heal-And my jogging life will continue. I am Thankful for my Legs.

Month of Thanks #14-I am very Thankful that the Adorable One made the decision to bring our children home to attend The Bagdad School.
When they were going to Hillside, the kids had to be up before 5:30. We had to have lunches made, and everything ready to go by 7:00.  The kids had to travel a good 45minutes on the bus to get to school and another 45minutes to get home. They did have only 4 days of school a week *that was nice* but by the time Friday came, we were ready for a few days off of the rushing around. I didn't mind the drive, and the kids had amazing teachers, so I don't want to seem negative about the Hillside school-We were so glad that the kids went there for as long as they did. But, this morning...I watched how things went...I took note of how things have changed. We no longer HAVE to wake up so early. If we want to get up at 6:30 we do. The kids wake up easier. We don't have to rush around making sure that the lunches are made...We take our time and make Hot Chocolate. Nicci gets to go to school with Justin and Sass. She also gets to ride home with them-She really enjoys this! The other kids, are excited to get to school, do their thing, and get home nearly 3 hours earlier than when going to Hillside.  It is so nice to have them home sooner! It is amazing not running around like we are going to miss the bus, and we will have to WALK-We can walk and get to school within 5 minutes. I was worried about their education...And there is some difference there. But to my surprise, a couple of our kids were a little behind with some stuff, but were ahead with some stuff as well. When it comes to the grades n such, the kids are doing great! I am able to talk to the teachers on a daily basis. I am able to be there to take the kids and pick them up...We are less worn out. We have more time at home! I am so very Thankful for this decision...And as I asked the kids this morning...They told me that they are glad they are going to Bagdad School. They miss Hillside...But, are doing just fine and seem Happier here! I know, I LOVE having the kids closer!

Phew! I am now all caught up....With my Month of Thanks!
Smiling :o)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Month of Thanks #8-A mixture of different things.

So When I was thinking about what I was thankful for today...I was searching some Pioneer stories. I love to hear about how People survived back then. There are so many things that I wish we could go back to.  We do not have a clue as to how hard things were back then.
As I read this 'Way of Life in the Old Pioneer Days', I thought...What a world we would be living in if things haven't become so simple and easy. The things we think are hard-Boy! We are not very tough.
I am going to go through this article, and kinda highlight my thoughts throughout it....I will give my 'Month of Thanks #8' at the end....

Way of Life in the Old Pioneer Days
The Old Days had good points and bad points. 

What is important is that we learn from them to help make our lives better now.

The good of the Good Old Days

In general life was slower paced and less hectic than now.
There was in most families Love and Kindness and cooperation.
Most people had respect for each other.

Everyone acted responsibly and took responsibility for their actions.
Everyone worked and took care of their family.
Most people helped each other.
The Air and Water were Pure.
People worked harder physically but were usually happier. -Most of us don't know how to work-We are so Lazy, and expect things to be done by someone else!

Many people were happy.  There was singins and barn dances and preachins and
barn raising Bees, and plowin and quilting Bees.
If you read Daniel Stewart's Diary there was even a farmers traveling band.
If you visited a neighbor you would most likely be invited for dinner.
Train trips on the old Steam trains
Less pressure and stress. -Now a days-We often create stress.
Few if any bills to pay -They didn't have all these 'TOYS' that we have. Motorhomes, 4wheelers, boats...They didn't have credit card debt*

No telemarketers -No telephones. If you wanted to talk to someone, you had to actually go and visit them. I am thankful for email, cell phones n such, but I do enjoy the personal visit more.
Good Hunting with lots of wildlife

What was bad about the Old Days.

Good medical knowledge and care were nonexistent. No hospitals. I am very Thankful for the medical technology. We are very blessed to have the equipment and doctors that have the knowledge to save lives.
No police, fire, public safety protection.  No ambulances or paramedics.
No 911 to call when help was needed -Everyone had to help one another.
Prior to the revolution, people were ruled by brute force rather than by Laws -This one had to be hard!
weapons had to be kept nearby for protection. Thankful that it isn't so bad today...But I do think that we will have to use guns in the future for protection in a similar fashion.

There was a general lack of knowledge about health and many other important areas.
There were few if any stores and little choice of things to buy. And, us living in Bagdad, complain about having to drive an hour to get to WalMart...Spoiled!
Most people were farmers and had to raise or make nearly everything themselves. I am not sure if this is a bad thing...We could save a lot of money if we all learned to be a bit more self efficient.
They usually had very little money to buy things. Now a days, if you don't have a cell phone, or quads, you are considered poor-That is sad!
There were few conveniences that we take for granted now. All the list below is for sure taken for granted...
No electricity or electric appliances, No TV Radio or Internet -What would we do without TV
No washing machines or dryers or electric irons or electric heaters.
No toilet paper, No flush toilets. No Toilet paper...Yikes! My dad did not have a flushing toilet until he was married...
One had to go outside to cold outhouse even in winter.
 but some people were rich enough to have a chamber pot which eliminated the trip outside at night.
It was unwise to travel or go outside the safety of a cabin at night.  There were wild cats, wolves, bears etc. roaming around at night. 
Our pioneers often reported howling at night from outside.
Most cabins were dark inside at night because people did not have candles or oil lamps or fireplaces.
The best place to be at night was in your bed as primitive as it was.
If pioneers had domestic animals they had to build a barn as soon as they could to protect them.
There were no cars, busses or airplanes I wouldn't mind going back to Horses n Wagons.
No fast food places or restaurants. I think I would be ok to go without these...We don't have them where we live.
No TV dinners, freezers, refrigerators or microwave ovens. We have been without a Microwave oven now for a few weeks...WE really got used to the convenience of being able to just put our plate in and push a button...And a few minutes later, We had ourselves a HOT meal. I do wonder, what did they do with their food back then? I will have to research that one.
No telephones -Don't know what we would do without Cell Phones.
No gas, oil or coal heating.  You had to build the fire first to get warm. I was raised with having to build fires. It was hard work to keep the wood up, but I loved the feel and smell of having a fire.
And just how was that fire started without matches? :O) What did they do?? Without matches?!
Cabins were drafty, and often did not have windows.
Many did not have fireplaces so there was no heat or drying fire inside.
Cabins usually had dirt floors and were at ground level which meant that insects, spiders, mice, snakes and other vermin shared the living quarters. And we complain about our homes...Shame on us!
Beds were primitive, small and in general not comfortable.  They often consisted of piles of grass or straw.  This may have been soft but it meant that you had to share your bed with various other creatures. Usually with four, six or eight legs. That would be scary!  Later a stuffed mattress was placed on top or a suspended lattice work of rope.  This meant a lot less sharing with other creatures.  Beds often had canopies.  This was to prevent creatures who inhabited or traveled in the roof which may have been made of straw or wood from falling onto you during your sleep.  Husband and wife slept on a twin size bed.  The man often insisted on "his" husbandly rights. I can see this...But after women had a bunch of kids, I am pretty sure they were not so quick to allow the 'Husbandly rights'  Women often had to bare and raise 8 to 15 children all without the help of a doctor.I giggle at this one. I am thankful that there is a way to help woman with the pain, but I know that it all can be done without it. I do have to say, that when there was complications back then...There was no emergency surgery...There was more of a brutally sad ending. Definetly thankful again for the medical knowledge and technology that we have today.
Discipline in pioneer families was extremely strict.  Children did what they were told.  If they disobeyed they were severely punnished. We are talking of tough skinned humans that were taught to have manners and to be respectful-This is something that we lack today. There has to be discipline.
Roads were dusty or muddy trails navigated by foot, horse or wagon.
No movies or places of entertainment.
No hamburgers, pizza, MacDonalds, Taco Bell etc. I am sure they were a bit healthier than most of us today.
The average person owned two pairs of clothes one for Sunday. I wish my kids only had 2 pairs of clothing. The laundry situation would be amazing!
Underwear was generally non existent for men and no bras for women. Now, we woman spend $50+ for a good bra...I don't-I go the WalMart brand.
There were no heated showers or baths.  If you were lucky to own a tub it was usually about three feet in diameter and the whole family took their baths in the same water with the father usually going first. My mom told me stories of having to take a bath in a tin tub, and having to wait for the water to boil, and than having to share the water with her siblings.She would pray that since she was the baby, she would get to go first!
Shoes were awful for the most part.  All were hand made. Most were home made. Woman are way to spoiled in the shoe department. I have church shoes that I have worn for 20 years...I do not see the need for so many shoes. Now, running shoes I have had to buy new every year...Maybe that is being spoiled as well...Think about this...Flip flops in the Snow! I am sure that is pretty close to how it felt back then.
Newspapers were not home delivered.
Magazines for the most part did not exist.
There were no libraries in our area and most people could not read or write.
There were few if any jobs available you worked your farm or starved and
many people worked long hours and still had little food. Some are feeling this today! I know I am thankful for our job!
There was no welfare, food stamps or medicaid. People learned how to make it...
There ware no medications, painkillers, pills to relieve problems. I am torn on this one. Thankful for the Alieve and Tylenol ...But, the prescription stuff...Seems to cause more harm than good

I really liked this simple article. There was no author. I am going to do more research on how things were back in the HARD times. I am very interested...

Today I am Thankful for so many different things...Modern technology is amazing. But at the same time, we have forgotten how to take care of ourselves and to go without. We need to toughen up a little, and learn how to do things like they did back in the day. I am like anyone else, I enjoy my cell phone, the convenience of electricity and running water...But we shouldn't ever take those for granted....We may not always have these conveniences. If we all could just take a look around us...I am sure there are some things we could go without...Thankful for all the things we are so very fortunate to have.
*While doing this Blog, I got a phone call...My Mom isn't doing good! So, Today, I think I am so very thankful for the Modern Technology in the Medical field. I am so very angry at the many doctors that wouldn't put much interest in my Mother's condition for the last 2 years...They should be ashamed of themselves. I am Thankful for my Dad's cancer doctor for taking the time to REALLY look into my Mother's condition. There are some amazing doctor's out there that actually care about other Humans...Young and Old!
I hope this Blog can get others to be grateful for the simpler things...

*I did not change any of the words that were in the original article.  I may add some more info later on!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Month of Thanks #7

As the Election is over, and we have our President of the United States...I have to admit, I was extremely discrouaged with the outcome. There is much talk going on right now from both sides, Republican and Democratic . Some of the things being said is very sad! WE are a Nation....UNDER GOD! What is wrong with everyone? Have we forgotten who is really in charge. So much Hatred...So much bashing and trash talking. I can tell you this, Not only are our Founding Fathers upset...Our Heavenly Father is Heart Broken over our behavior. He knows how things will fall and come to pass...He has told us many times to have faith and to follow the teachings of the Scriptures...
We are headed for some really trying times. And our Faith is going to be tested. It has been said, that we will have to Stand up and Fight for what is righteous and true.
When I was growing up, I remember being told more than once that we should always be ready and prepared for the 'Scary' Times. I think that the scary times, are very close.

So, aside from all the politics....

My 'Thanks' today comes from My faith....
Today I am Thankful for President Thomas S. Monson. He is the Prophet of the LDS Church. I know that the Faith of this man stands firm. He is a great example, and an amazing Leader. He is humble, and of great Faith. He teaches us to be kind and charitable. To love one another. He doesn't share negative opinions. He only speaks positive, and of Godly works. He is a man of God. I am Thankful for such a leader.

I will continue to follow the Teachings of our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ. May that Freedom never be taken away...

I will do the best that I can to teach my children that the President of The Untied States is just a man. But in the end God is still in charge!

Time to move forward...I pray that some day there will be peace amongst us. That we will work together to fight for our Freedom....

 *Please know...I do not care what religion you are...Live your Faith and Pray every day....We need God in our lives! Pray always...Pray for each other!

Just to share:

News Release —  6 November 2012

First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Congratulate President on Election Win

Salt Lake City — The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints issued the following statement Tuesday:
We congratulate President Obama on winning a second term as President of the United States.
After a long campaign, this is now a time for Americans to come together. It is a long tradition among Latter-day Saints to pray for our national leaders in our personal prayers and in our congregations. We invite Americans everywhere, whatever their political persuasion, to pray for the President, for his administration and the new Congress as they lead us through difficult and turbulent times. May our national leaders reflect the best in wisdom and judgment as they fulfill the great trust afforded to them by the American people.
We also commend Governor Romney for engaging at the highest level of our democratic process which, by its nature, demands so much of those who offer themselves for public service. We wish him and his family every success in their future endeavors.

Smiling :O)


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Month of Thanks #5 & #6

I fell a bit behind on my 'Month of Thanks' Blogging.
The reason being, I was a bit down in the dumps yesterday. We have been trying to make some much needed changes around here, I think I have forgotten to have faith...And to trust in our Heavenly Father, and also support and listen to the Adorable One. I am a true believer that the Husband and Father is the the HEAD of the household...We all should follow in his guidance. So, after a good day of pondering and praying...I feel so much better today. I feel comforted in knowing that I just need to exercise Faith...and to do my part and Support the Adorable One when decisions are made! *And no! I do not bow to him and kiss his feet...But he is the LEADER of our Pack! and I love him very much!!*

Back to my 'Month of 'Thanks'.

Yesterday I was very Thankful for the power of prayer. I am so very grateful that I have a Father in Heaven that loves me, knows me, and listens to me. I could not imagine a life without knowing this. I have always prayed...I pray throughout the day-There is a constant prayer in my heart. My prayers do not always get answered the way that I would like them to...But when I am struggling and things seem a bit tough...I always feel comforted. And when my prayers have been answered, the feeling of kneeling down and Thanking our Father in Heaven for blessing us...Is overwhelming! I am Thankful for Prayer!

Today...I am Thankful for a couple of things.
I am very Thankful for the people in my life who uplift me. Isn't is amazing how you come to realize who the most important people in your life are. The people who don't make you feel as though they have to work hard to Like you. The most important people in my life...Are the ones who except me for who I am. They do not envy they do not judge. They are simply honest and true. I can go to Bashas and receive a simple Hug from someone who just simply enjoys visiting with me, even for just a few minutes. I won't see that one person again for a few days....But when we meet up again, it is usually in the same way 'With a Simple HUG!'. I am one of those people who do not need the Friend get away, or the Nights out with the ladies....I have no desire for this. I just can say, that I do appreciate those who go out of their way to say hello. I know who means it...I am Thankful for those who share a sincere smile and Hug, it always uplifts me and makes my day!

I am also Thankful for our Country. I still believe in the Beauty and Freedom that is all around us. As today is Election day...I think about what tomorrow could bring. I have my choice of who I believe will serve this country with integrity. My choice isn't based on Color, Religion, or who makes more money. I simply have read, listened, and felt. We need a strong President that Loves this country as much as I/we do. We need someone who will FIGHT, and keep us a STRONG country. I pray...And will continue to pray throughout the day, that the Lord has a hand in today's election. And, even if my choice is not the voted choice....I will PRAY for our country, and for those who make decisions for our Freedom and well being.
One more thing...It won't matter who is President...If we continue to treat each other with such hatred, we will destroy this country ourselves! We have already, in many ways.
I Love that I have the freedom of speech and Religion. We are all very SPOILED and BLESSED to live in this Country. Wish we all would take a bit more time to care about where we live.

Smiling :O)